So, I've been meaning to do some freebie posts because there are so many great freebies or low cost things everywhere in sl - and so often people ask - where can I find... and there's a LOT! First I just wanted to make a little list of free and low cost resources that I personally use and that I would endorse to my friends - even to go so far as to drag people to the places on the grid etc.
The big thing is just to be aware that 90 percent of the creators out in Second Life are extremely generous with their creations and offer their items at various times and places either free or at a cheaper than usual price.
This may be by participating in hunts - it may be by offering items to their in world or subscriber group members, - it may be by putting items out at various freebie headquarters like the Fab Free Headquarters, Free Dove, Violet Mafia, Sit Here Slap This Headquarters, it may be by offering midnight mania or picks reward gifts. There's just a million and one ways that creators offer their creations to help out other people on the grid.
I want to mention at this time also, that because creators are so generous, PLEASE be respectful and courteous to these creators - even if it turns out the item isn't what you want or need. Every single item that is on the grid that is not in your linden library (and even some of that as well) was created by someone just like you. Someone who joined Second Life and loved it, and wanted to create things to enrich our shared experience, our shared world. Every time someone rips off a creator, copy bots or whatever, you are not just hurting that one person and their families oftentimes. You are hurting the whole community - because these creators just give up, after they are treated badly time and time again ... after they lose money and time. Not only that, you are literally taking money out of their real life pockets many times, that they need to pay rent, utilities, all the stuff we need to get by! And don't kid yourself, yeah? It takes time and money to make something for the grid in upload fees, in resources, in classes to learn new skills and on and on.
So please appreciate the person who offers something free or low cost for you to enjoy :)
To begin with, one of the best number one ways of finding out about free or low cost items available, because often they are time limited - is to read blogs which feature these items. A blog like FabFree features the items with all the details AND gives you a slurl for where to find it. A blog like Seraphim or the now sadly defunct Rumor) features information on sales and special events with pictures and slurls and prices. There are literally dozens of these blogs, focusing on all kinds of needs. There are men's blogs, there are role play blogs and on and on. The main thing is, just google for them. Usually once you find one, that one will lead you to others. You can check out my sidebar for some links to some good blogs. Bearing in mind that mostly I focus on items for me, and I'm female!
Many blogs also have in world headquarters where various designers have placed stuff out for you to grab for free! Here's some in world slurls to go check out.
Fab Free Headquarters - this is one of the biggest best places you can go to score some items to get you started.
The Free Dove - Free Dove has been around a really long time in sl, and now some of the designers offering gifts can remember going to Free Dove as a newb themselves!
Violet Mafia - Violet Mafia is a new to me group but so far I really love it. The group is free to join and this is the slurl for their headquarters.
Sit Here Slap This - another somewhat new to me group - stop by their headquarters and join their group and there's a blog too! It's the Yer Mawm blog on my sidebar!
Womenstuff/Menstuff - stop by the womenstuff/menstuff lounge, join the group and grab some great gifties :)
And one more thing... I know that there's a lot of reasons why a person might be on a budget and looking to grab cheapies or freebies and I'm not judging. BUT! Please also realize that the network works best if we all spend a little money where we can to support and encourage creators to keep creating! So *If* you can afford it and find a great creator offering a great freebie - consider going back to that shop at a later time when you're willing to spend a little money. It helps everyone!
Blame It On the Moon
4 hours ago